Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Yet another chance to do the things you didn't do last year, meet goals you never met or commit to things you never got around to doing. I'm not a "New Years Resolution" type person, I make goals and change them all year around, but this year I thought of something different I'm going to do.
In life we are all set in our roles, mother, business owner, wife, sibling, parent, friend, aunt, etc. I know what my kid's like, what my husband and mom like. But do we really pay that much attention to what everyone really wants and likes every day? The little things, not things like colors and favorite foods, important things that change with us as we grow. Take extra time to ask questions and really listen. Be aware of everyone and their wants and needs, do those little things that will surprise them, don't get so comfortable that these important things remain unknown.
 Love and happiness in this new year!~pm

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