Monday, September 15, 2014

Life Is Short, Live It!

Time sure flies by, life is short. Sometimes we think we have all the time in the world to do things, or we'll get another chance to make the right decision. It doesn't always happen. You have to live every day just like you want it to be. You can make each day what you want it to be. There are so many people with huge, huge issues or problems, disabilities, etc., that still enjoy their lives every day and make it great no matter what issue they are dealing with.  It's what YOU make it.
Don't wake up and start the day with all of the things that are wrong circulating in your head. Don't make the first thoughts of the morning be what awful thing you have to do today or how bad your pain is from working out or how you can't stand your coworker and hate your job. The only one that can make you positive, like what you're doing and be successful is you.  Don't live life blaming everything on your "circumstances". Change them.

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