Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Create Your Own Happiness

There a few basic rules to follow in everyday life. Treat others they way you wish to be treated, always be polite and use manners, always respect people because you never know where they've been on their journey. It doesn't matter how other people act or treat you, keep true to these things to be the better person.
One of the most important things in every day life is to keep the negative out. If you're complaining about a job, your marriage, your hobbies, then do something to change that. Negative just breeds negative. Instead of waking up and saying I hate going to work or I wish I could do something else or I'm stuck in this place I don't want to be, say what am I going to do to change things. Make a conscious decision to make things better. You're the only one who can get yourself out of a rut. Don't blame others or circumstances, make things different. It all starts in your head, believe you WILL do it and take action. It's not always easy, in fact, it's hard but it's always worth it to bring you to a better place. Peace and happiness.~pm

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