Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Are You A Social Media Whiner?

I love social media, especially for business. There was a time when I couldn't see why people spent their time in places like Twitter or Facebook or on line marketing sites. Once you start networking and working with people on line who use these tools, you start using them also and see the value they have. It's the best way to connect with your peers daily and share insight, tips, get advice or help. It's amazing what you can do!
That being said, are you one of those people that are constantly whining about bad news and drama in your life. It's great to be able to share that stuff  with friends and family, don't get me wrong. However, if you're doing business and have clients and prospects that you network with here, is it the best idea to share drama constantly? These people want to see happy and successful people moving up, not down people who spend a lot of time on personal drama. Everyone needs to vent, everyone needs help and advice, and everyone is willing to give it! Private messaging is great for that. Just always keep in mind, there are a LOT of people out there in cyberspace.
Post wisely (including myself!).~pm

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