Monday, October 13, 2014

Abuse Is Always Unacceptable

 This is a very hard subject to deal with. Not something that we usually share in our blogs, but it's very serious and many, many people are dealing with it daily. A subject we never thought we'd  touch on personally, for sure! Any type of abuse is totally unacceptable, in any relationship!
 There are usually signs of abuse and dysfunction from the very first time that you meet someone. A lot of the time people think it will change, if you love them they'll be OK. It doesn't happen that way. Abusive behavior and manipulation are traits that are learned and don't just go away because someone wants them to. If you see  a red flag, pay attention to it, and if you think someone you know is in an abusive relationship, do something!  We've been lucky in our families. Huge, loving families that stick by each other and support each other, no matter what. Never having to deal with any type of abuse or anything other than the "normal" family stuff like little disagreements, it's hard to understand this behavior.
 We think we know and trust that everyone is like us. When families come together, we have no idea how they were brought up or treated by each other in private. We hope that everyone comes from a place of love, understanding and some boundaries growing up, but that's not always the case. Some people are great manipulators and chameleons and hide it all very well. As soon as you see it, get out.

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