Thursday, September 11, 2014

Parents As Examples

We've been in school almost 4 weeks now and thank goodness my son loves kindergarten! I'll admit I was a bit worried! He's doing great though, and loving it. There are many rules and changes for them when they start school and it's our job as parent's to help show them how to follow those rules.

I've been watching these small children each day, 5 years old and so innocent and new to things. It's really been bothering me to see how many of the parent's aren't following the rules and setting that example.  This sets something in them, letting them know if mom and dad don't need to, I don't either. We need to be the one, even if it takes an extra 45 seconds of your morning!  It's really important to be that example, we're the one they look up to, the one they want to be like. Cross in the crosswalk at school don't jaywalk, be there on time or even early, turn in things when they are expected. These small things are their foundation for following rules in life and starting their journey of being responsible little people.~pm

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