Thursday, September 4, 2014

Life Changes

  Sometimes it seems as things go from one extreme to another, without even knowing what really happened. Life moves so quickly, things change so quickly. It's hard, sometimes, not to do the "what if" or the "why did". I myself am a firm believer in things happen for a reason.~

  Our family has really been through it lately. It's been a tough past month, well, actually year. I think things have finally come to a semi-calm, settled place for now, I think! It sure seems like it's been a rough time for everyone lately.  Life changes are hard sometimes, but also necessary for growth. Sometimes they're not the changes you would hope for or want, but again, everything happens for a reason. Being a bit older and married many years we've seen many changes, but it's hard to see your kid go through them. As mom's we're so tough and strong, and dad's are so strong and supportive, if your lucky it's passed on to your kid and they will be strong and able to handle these changes too. Always be there and always let them know that things do work out for the best, and they will be good again. If they're struggling with something, just be there.

  Some young people struggle and don't have the love and support that most of ours are lucky enough to have, that's sad. Life is about changes and they're not always easy. They need us! I'm so thankful to have a strong, loving and supportive husband and kid's that are growing stronger and more mature every day. They're proving to me they can and will do what it takes to be happy and succeed. They are awesome!

  Now seems like a good time for more changes. Good ones though! Who's with me, let's make the rest of the year the best of the year!

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