Sunday, February 3, 2013

Things I've Learned In This Journey

 I've learned so much in the past 15 years being self employed and working from home, as well as outside of the home. First thing is, it's not easy. People who have never been self employed tend to think it's easy, you just hang out and get paid! Oh, if that was so! LOL! It really is tough, but worth it. On one hand you have the fact that there is NO guarantee of ANYTHING, like a paycheck, vacation, sick time, raises, benefits. These are all things you take for granted when you work at a JOB. Being self employed is the absolute greatest gift you can give yourself and your family but it takes balance. A lot of it. Learn what works best for you and your family and don't let other peoples ideas and thoughts about it creep into your head. It takes a great attitude, patience, a lot of flexibility and even more discipline! It is something that almost anyone can do if you have the determination to make a better life for you and your family. It hasn't been perfect every minute, of course, but I wouldn't change one second of it, bad or good, for anything at all. I raised my children, not a day care, I've been here to make breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family every day, I've been able to join every field trip and school event there is and be home after school to make cookies and do homework. I got to have the fun house where all the kid's played because I was home. This is something that is attainable, look at your options! Be the best you! ~pm

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