Sunday, March 20, 2016


Here we are, another Sunday afternoon. Blessed to start another new week, full of who knows what? Are you looking forward to, or dreading the week? It's hard to appreciate a fresh new week when you dread going back to work, or the kid's going back to school. Be grateful  anyway!

Go to bed each night with good thoughts about something you want to do, or something you are looking forward to. Wake up each morning thinking about what's good in your life, there's always something to be grateful for. We spend so much time complaining about things or wishing things were different somehow, sometimes we don't see the really great things in life. It's the little, everyday things we need to appreciate more, like family and friends, a great meal, feel good music, or a job you love. When you start really appreciating these little things, you start being more appreciative of life in general. Be positive, smile more, love life.

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